Weekly Modified Pay
1. $1,000
2. $700
3. $500
4. $350
5. $300
6. $200
7. $180
8. $160
9. $150
10-20. $120
Pay is based on an 18 car field. If we have 17 or less, the purse starts at 2nd place and goes down from there. So it would still be $700 to win. Please help us spread the word by sharing we would greatly appreciate it!
For those of you that were able to attend the meeting at the beginning of the year, we said that if we had success we would share the wealth. We are holding true to that. We want better pay for our drivers, better fields of cars for our fans to watch, and a better show all together. We are committed to moving forward and doing what it takes to make Peoria Speedway more successful then ever.
Late Models have also seen a $100 increase for 2nd and 3rd place.
Hornet purse increase for this weekend!
1. $300
2. $175
3. $150
4. $100
5. $70
6. $60
7. $50
8. $40
9-20. $30